This ghost blow mold includes a pumpkin and a black cat. It stands almost 3 feet tall.
This skeleton blow mold has a sign that reads “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, here lies someone I wouldn’t trust.”
This skeleton wears a hat and carries a cat-headed cane.
This Dracula blow mold stands regally at 42″ tall. He wears a tuxedo and red-lined cape.
Here’s what the Dracula blow mold looks like when he’s lit up at night.
This Dracula is ready to pounce!
This witch looks extremely cranky!
Here’s what the witch looks like when she’s lit up at night!
I think my favorite blow mold I’ve seen so far is this Halloween haunted house light.

This gargoyle blow mold seems pretty unusual.
This Frankenstein blow mold looks more than a little pissed off!