I’m really glad nobody’s dog actually got into these Munsters squeak toys from 1964. The seller says they were manufactured in Spain.
The Munsters Card Game would be fun to play with a bunch of tipsy, buzzed goth friends.
Already a huge aficionado of paper dolls, I would dearly love to cut out and play with one of these sets of vintage Munsters paper dolls!.
This Herman Munster doll is from 1964. Thankfully, it doesn’t talk, like some of the other dolls from this era.
I love the sly look on the face of this Lily Munster puppet.
Here’s a vintage Grandpa Munster puppet to keep her company – or to annoy her!

If you still own a record player, you can spend A Night With the Most Unusual Family by listening to this rare LP.
Perhaps while you’re listening to your Munsters album, you’ll while away the time putting together a Munsters jigsaw puzzle.
On a rainy day you can read 1960s era Munsters novelizations.