Red Deer Grove’s Gothic and Horror Themed Perfumes and Oils

Before you decide that this is like super weird, give it a chance! I definitely overlooked this store several times, but I finally looked at what they had to offer and it’s actually quite cool. Take a look at Red Deer Grove’s horror themed perfumes and oils on Etsy. Let’s hope they smell less disturbing than they look.

I suppose one way to step into a dark Victorian era London is just to use this Penny Dreadful perfume oil on yourself. Or you could lightly spray it on your house! Either way, the scent sounds really bold and bad ass “Heady, spiced, opulent and erotic, this scent is not for the timid.” Pretty much the feeling of the show!

The fragrance of this Ghost Gardenia perfume sounds just as mystical as they are wanting. I can imagine it having a beautifully haunting smell with the musk and gardenia mixed together. I wonder if you would leave people feeling cold after passing by? That would be a worth while spooky fragrance!

Smelling like the Goddess of magic, necromancy, and the dead might intimidate some people. Clearly they can’t handle a strong woman, am I right? This Hecate perfume has a wicked, spicy and warm scent that is bound to ward off men or women who don’t share the same devilish characteristics as you.

This fragrance is based off of one of my favorite Greek Goddesses, Persephone. The scent of this Persephone perfume is lush, warm, womanly, and shadowed. This embodies this beautiful Goddess perfectly. I wouldn’t mind smelling like the Goddess of the Underworld – I think every woman secretly has this desire!

I laughed so hard when I saw this Stalker fragrance. Can you imagine someone saying “Oh wow, what’s the smell, it’s great!” then you reply “Oh I smell like a stalker.” What a great conversation starter, hehe! I have a feeling this is actually for men and not women (if you take a look at the description of the item.) Which by the way is incredibly creepy in a very perfect way.

I’m sure you’ve been dying to get Norman Bates fragrance oil. Maybe you’re into mama’s boys? Apparently this smells really good, like “fresh out of the shower good”. That made me chuckle, I love it. They also have Gacy and Jeffery Dahmer themed oils.

You know, surprisingly, I’ve always wanted to know how Hannibal Lecter smelled like. Is that weird? He’s quite sophisticated so it can’t be that weird right? This Lecter fragrance spray will answer all my curiosities! Apparently it smells weird, but not unpleasant? If anyone does get this I really want to know what that weirdness is!

I think that this is such an awesome gift idea. This Walking Dead Survivors gift set has seven different fragrances based on characters like Rick, Daryl, Carol (yay!), Glen, etc. I feel like every fragrance definitely honors each character. The biggest question is do I want to risk smelling like a Walker?

I know it sounds silly, but you should really look at Red Deer Grove’s horror themed perfumes and oils on Etsy. The price is really reasonable compared to most places you buy cologne or perfume, plus it’s horror themed. What do you guys think? Comment down below!